Choosing a suitable web hosting server for your website and knowing when to upgrade to a higher hosting plan is an important factor responsible for your website’s success. Initially, almost every website starts with a Shared Web Hosting solution, but when the time’s right and the website starts to grow, it is wise to move to either a VPS Server Hosting or a Dedicated Server Hosting solution.
There can be multiple reasons to switch to a Dedicated Server for your website. For example, maybe your website needs a high level of security or needs more resources to handle the traffic surge; Dedicated Servers are ideal for such situations.
But we jump on more reasons and understand when you must move to Dedicated Server; let us first understand Dedicated Hosting in-depth.
What is Dedicated Server Hosting?
Dedicated Server Hosting is a web hosting solution that allocates an entire hosting server to a website with dedicated and exclusive resources that are not shared with other users or websites. Instead, your website owns the server and its resources exclusively for itself, which significantly enhances its performance, uptime, and security.
In addition, Dedicated Servers provide much-enhanced flexibility and scalability compared to shared servers, allowing you to manage your website server as per the website’s requirements and install applications or software for better performance and security.
When to switch to a Dedicated Server?
When your website experiences the following scenarios, you must know that it is time to switch your hosting plan to a dedicated web hosting service.
- Difficult to handle the increasing web traffic
If your website has reached a point where it is getting difficult to handle the incoming traffic surge constantly for months, it is a good idea and a sign to switch to Dedicated Web Hosting Servers.
Handling traffic spikes with a shared server can be difficult and can lead to poor performance and frequent website downtime. In addition, these downtimes negatively impact customer experience, increasing your website’s bounce rate.
Therefore, it is important to migrate to a suitable Dedicated Hosting plan before it gets too late and you keep losing sales and revenue.
- You need an enhanced security system
It is critical to keep your website’s data and your customer’s data safe from hackers and malware attackers. This is especially important if you accept and handle sensitive customer data, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or other banking information.
Dedicated Servers are exclusive for a single website, which increases the security of your website. Moreover, you get complete access to your server, allowing you to download software to enhance your website’s security.
- When you need an optimal page loading speed
Apart from performance, your website’s page loading speed significantly affects user experience, bounce rate, SEO ranking, and other crucial factors. A Dedicated Server optimizes your website’s performance and assures your website has the required bandwidth and space to accommodate the increasing traffic or serve your website’s customers efficiently.
- When you require more server control
Dedicated Hosting offers complete server control, allowing website owners to choose the type of server, the operating system, the software installed, adjust hardware specifications, and more. Website owners now require more customizable solutions to offer unique services to their customers. Therefore, if you require such customization and more server control for your website, Dedicated Hosting is the right hosting solution for you.
Summing Up
If your website is struggling with constant security issues, keeping up with the increasing traffic, or slow page loading speed, it is time to migrate to a higher hosting plan, like a Dedicated Server Hosting. Therefore, choose the best Dedicated Server Hosting plan from your ideal hosting provider for your website for enhanced security, performance, uptime, and flexibility. Make a point to assess your hosting requirements and choose between Windows or Linux Dedicated Servers or Managed or Unmanaged Servers as per your requirements.
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