MILLBURN, NJ — During the pandemic, some parents felt overwhelmed with all of the venues to get school information: Parent portals, Zoom, Google classroom, and more.
But there’s no denying that a turn toward more on-line communication in schools is here to stay.
Now, the Millburn schools are asking all community members, including parents, which ways they want to get their information, and which ways they don’t. They’d like input via a new survey (see below) by Friday.
“The past two years have been characterized by rapid change, as the pandemic created new ways of teaching, learning, and communicating for all of us,” said school officials in a message to the community on Monday. “Although the road has been challenging, there have also been bright spots of innovation and collaboration, particularly in the ways the district and schools communicate with their various stakeholders.”
The Millburn Schools Communications Survey should be filled out by April 29, this Friday. Click the link to fill it out.
They noted:
The survey is anonymous and should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete
We recommend taking the survey on a computer, however, if submitting on a mobile device, please use horizontal orientation to see all answer choices without scrolling
We truly appreciate you sharing your voice in the open response questions, as all written feedback will be reviewed.
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This article originally appeared on the Millburn-Short Hills Patch
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